Essential Oils Production & Conservation/ 23.02.24
Cinnamon oils What you need to know
Cinnamon oils What you need to know By Martin Watt I have decided to write about another oil which is hyped like crazy on social media blogs and on some websites. The first thing to consider is which oil are people referring to when they say “cinnamon oil is good for x,y,z”? Cinnamon trees yield two totally different essential oils, on...

Essential Oils Production & Conservation/ 23.02.24
Lemon oil-the myths and hype removed
LEMON OIL The myths reviewed By Martin Watt There are vast numbers of posts on social media sites and on the blogs of multi level distributors about what lemon oil can do. Therefore I thought it opportune to wade through my old newsgroup posts and create a new article on this issue. Don't think I am saying that lemon oil is of no use, it...
Essential Oils Production & Conservation/ 23.02.24
Peppermint oil-the myths and hype removed
PEPPERMINT OIL The myths reviewed By Martin Watt There are vast numbers of posts on social media sites as well as many errors in training courses about what ailments peppermint oil can deal with. Therefore I thought it worth creating a new article on these errors. Don't think I am saying that peppermint oil is of little use, it can be ver...
Essential Oils Production & Conservation/ 23.02.24
Sandalwood oils-Why I oppose their use
Sandalwood oils Why I oppose their use By Martin Watt A number of people have asked me why I have the logo at the top of my homepage “This site is free of sandalwood & rosewood”. I have responded to those questions via emails but feel the time has come to do an article for all to see. The rosewood issue is pretty much covered in my articl...
doTERRA and Young Living/ 23.02.24
ADVICE FOR THOSE WISHING TO BECOME INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTORS For MULTI LEVEL COMPANIES By Martin Watt I have not written anything on this issue for a long time because I thought my older articles on Young Living covered it. However, due to an increase in the number of people asking me about companies promoting distributorship - I have d...

doTERRA and Young Living/ 23.02.24
HARM CAUSED BY doTERRA am republishing the article below with the permission of the author. This report ties up nicely with my other article about 'doTERRA in Europe'. Due to this company not providing accurate safety information, users of their products are being harmed. Instead false information is promoted: 1. “people only get reacti...
Therapeutic use issues/ 23.02.24
A trade rebuff to inaccurate articles on tea tree oil in 2007
The report below was in response to some dreadful quality research in 2007 claiming that lavender and tea tree oil promoted the growth of breast tissue in boys. Members of this same incompetent research team produced a similar report in 2018 (below) which was published around the world by newcasters. Call for Journal of New England Medicin...
Safety, toxicity and related issues/ 19.02.24
The dangers of using 'untested' essential oils
Estimating the Adverse Dermal Effects of Essential Oils by Examining their Chemical Composition By Martin Watt Published in NORA news Dec .1995 vol. 1 issue 2 Yes this is a very old article, but I am using it to show how long ago that I wrote about issues covered in newer articles on this site. Start: This is an extremely arbitrary a...
Marketing issues/ 19.02.24
The dangers of using 'untested' essential oils Blog sites that link to Amazon shops
ESSENTIAL OILS SALES VIA AMAZON.COM & THE INADEQUATE SAFETY WARNINGS OF THE SUPPLIERS By Martin Watt Safety: Amazon say: “The Product Safety Team at Amazon works to protect Amazon customers from risks of injury associated with products offered on Amazon by looking into and taking action on reported safety complaints and incidents”. Yet, w...
Safety, toxicity and related issues/ 19.02.24
Benzoin - warnings on its use
BENZOIN A safe preservative or not? By Martin Watt In 1992 IFRA, the world's leading experts in safety issues of all aromatic extracts, issued new guidelines on the use of Benzoin extracts in cosmetic products. They recommended that only extracts processed by methods which eliminated allergens should be used in cosmetic products. This...