The Internal use of essential oils

The Internal use of essential oils

Some thoughts on the controversy over the internal use of essential oils By Martin Watt An advisory document first written for the New Zealand therapists association. This issue of taking essential oils as medicines is a minefield, and I think it best to give an overview of the arguments for and against. THE QUESTION OF ESSENTIAL OIL...

The Internal use of essential oils Internal use - review of a NAHA presidents blog

Taking essential oils as medicines & the new involvement of trade organisations. Issues on internal use. I was staggered to see that Jade Shutes - the recent President of NAHA in the USA - was once again promoting exploring using essential oils as medicinal substances.

The dangers of using 'untested' essential oils

Estimating the Adverse Dermal Effects of Essential Oils by Examining their Chemical Composition By Martin Watt Published in NORA news Dec .1995 vol. 1 issue 2 Yes this is a very old article, but I am using it to show how long ago that I wrote about issues covered in newer articles on this site. Start: This is an extremely arbitrary a...

The dangers of using 'untested' essential oils Blog sites that link to Amazon shops

ESSENTIAL OILS SALES VIA AMAZON.COM & THE INADEQUATE SAFETY WARNINGS OF THE SUPPLIERS By Martin Watt Safety: Amazon say: “The Product Safety Team at Amazon works to protect Amazon customers from risks of injury associated with products offered on Amazon by looking into and taking action on reported safety complaints and incidents”. Yet, w...

Benzoin - warnings on its use

BENZOIN A safe preservative or not? By Martin Watt In 1992 IFRA, the world's leading experts in safety issues of all aromatic extracts, issued new guidelines on the use of Benzoin extracts in cosmetic products. They recommended that only extracts processed by methods which eliminated allergens should be used in cosmetic products. This...

Old lavender oil - the dangers

Old lavender oil - the dangers

Old lavender oil may be a problem. By Martin Watt. In Sept 2003 I obtained some papers on aged linalool and lavender oil which are rather alarming. For years I have been advising therapists not to use old citrus peel or pine family oils on the skin. This is because as those oils age with oxygen exposure, they form chemicals which can initi...

Pennyroyal oil - the myths and facts

NATURAL TOXINS IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINES some MYTHS removed ©  By M. Watt 1994. Revised 2006 First Published by The Aromatic Thymes Vol. 3 No.4 1995. pp22-30 Introduction: A lot of misleading information has been published for many years about commonly occurring "toxins in plant medicines." This has not only occurred in the media, but als...

Suspect methods of investigating plant toxins

GENERAL METHODOLOGY OF INVESTIGATING NATURAL PLANT TOXINS By Martin Watt A few scientists have acknowledged that one cannot assume genotoxicity in natural products simply because one isolated chemical demonstrates this property. Certain plant chemicals in isolation are known to cause severe skin reactions. However, fragrance chemists know...

Warnings on consumption of lemongrass oil article on

“How to Ingest Lemongrass Oil” a review on: Review by Martin Watt Full URL: This company (Demand Media), run information web sites on a wide variety of advisory topics. However, when challenged on the accuracy and safety of their featured articles they...

Chemistry - errors on safety issues a review for the IFA

An evaluation of chemistry when related to essential oils.   By Martin Watt Two articles written for 'Aromatherapy Times' -the I.F.A. journal-UK. Spring 2005. V.1. No.64. pp7-8. Summer 2005. V.1. No.65. pp 8-9. Part 1 of 2. For years I have been saying that aromatherapists do not need a detailed knowledge of organic chemistry beca...